12 — 15 September
Doss Trento
12 — 15 September
Piazza di Piedicastello
12 — 15 September
Doss Trento
12 — 15 September
Piazza di Piedicastello
Poplar is the festival in the hearth
of Trento. Each year, in September,
in the natural park Doss Trento.

Between Trento and Europe
Poplar combines the best of our cultural heritage and local resources with a forward-looking vision oriented towards abroad and Europe, open to international influences and at the forefront of innovation.
A not for profit festival
Poplar is conceived, designed, and organized 100% in all phases by volunteers. It is an ethical, non-profit festival with a focus on environmental sustainability.
A stunning natural park above the city
Doss Trento is a Natura 2000 protected area, a locus amoenus that overlooks the city, featuring untouched and protected nature with dozens of protected flora and fauna species.
Keepin it fresh
Our continuous research work has allowed us to discover emerging artists who later rose to prominence in the national music scene.

Join us!
Poplar is an organization that embraces pluralism, sharing, simplicity, and passion as its strengths. See you next year?